Tips if You’re Cramming for Exams

Don’t Cram; Cramming for exam is the study-mate of procrastination. It is what happens when you decide, the night before the exam, that you can make up for lost time. “All I need is coffee and I’ll stay up all night reading all of the text book and then I’ll be set...

Online Tutoring

While Nepean Tutoring is predominantly an “in home” tutoring service, the need to diversify became evident as the business grew and time restraints caused availability issues.  The inception of online learning as an option still met our philosophy of...

Tutoring and Learning Styles

When I first began tutoring students in English, I expected that I would be helping them in a variety of areas. I knew that some of these would perhaps include revising the basics of Grammar, building vocabulary and aiding in comprehension and analysis of texts. The...

Fostering Creativity in Children

I always believed that creativity was an inborn talent that children either do or do not have. However, just as all children’s intelligence are not equal, all children are not equally creative unless they are provided with the right environment for creativity to...

A Tutor’s Perspective

As we move closer to the the beginning of the new school year I keep thinking about ways in which we can inspire our students to gain a love of learning. I guess that’s a little bit of a cliche, but I truly believe that education must become an act of passion to...

Tutoring – A Celebration

When I look back over the past year, I am overwhelmed at the changes in my life. Small business ownership is certainly not for the feint hearted but for those who are ready for a challenge and to believe that their product can make a difference in today’s...

Celebrating Your Child

Celebrating your Child’s Academic Achievements In 2011, after the Wall Street Journal published the essay “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior: Can a regimen of no playdates, no TV, no computer games and hours of music practice create happy kids?” by Amy Chua, people...

Surviving the HSC

We go through the present blindfolded. Only when the blindfold is removed and we examine the past, we realise what we have been through and understand what it means. That’s exactly what it feels like now after completing my HSC five years ago. I can truly see and...

What Makes a Learner?

I have always been a learner because I knew nothing.” These profound words were written by Sydney Poitier in his novel “Life Beyond Measure, Letters to My Great-Granddaughter.” If only we all had this attitude towards learning. He poetically writes “I didn’t...