by Nepean Tutoring | Education
We all know that procrastination is the thief of time, but do our high school students in years 11 and 12 realize that it can also rob them of their best potential? Year 12 in particular is an extremely stressful time with studying, career decisions, the stress of... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
Students from Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will sit for NAPLAN tests (National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy). These are standard tests for the particular year level administered by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority [ACARA]. The... by Nepean Tutoring | Nepean Tutoring
Whilst visiting a new student for the first time I did my usual orientation with the family to introduce my pedagogical ideas about the way children learn. As a new business, Nepean Tutoring has had its ups and downs in terms of accommodating the influx of students... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
Once upon a time it used to be called English. However today, the subject of English has been broadened to literacy to cover the gamut of components that have come to make up this subject area. In years gone by, English as a subject was taught so that students would... by Nepean Tutoring | Home Tutoring, Nepean Tutoring
Just imagine that “text types” as we know them were thrown out for a day and we inspired students to write a quirky creative story that engaged them in vocabulary development and sentence and paragraph structure. Try this idea to whet their appetite for creative... by Nepean Tutoring | Home Tutoring, Nepean Tutoring
Just imagine that “text types” as we know them were thrown out for a day and we inspired students to write a quirky creative story that engaged them in vocabulary development and sentence and paragraph structure. Try this idea to whet their appetite for creative... by Nepean Tutoring | Home Tutoring, Nepean Tutoring
Understanding vowels is the foundation for reading and writing the English language. Try stringing a line of consonants together and ask your child or students to make sense of what they see. They will soon realize that vowels give meaning to words and create... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
Misreading the sounds “b” and “d” are common for emergent readers. Even when these youngsters write these sounds they are unable to correct their error unless they are taught specific strategies to differentiate between the two sounds and shapes of the letters. It is... by Nepean Tutoring | One-On-One Tutoring
Best practice Literacy Teaching has been the subject of much debate over the past decades. For many years large classrooms of children sat in sterile classrooms being drilled and practiced on what have become known as the basics. “Rote Learning” became a term to... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
As the HSC is looming for many young students, it is vital to look at the study regime and habits of your teenagers. While schools work hard to prepare students for these rigorous exams, students are often lost in the whirlwind of studying for five or more subjects,...