Are Secondary School Texts Enough?

No one can deny the importance of appropriate reading materials when it comes to reading books. Much effort is expended by educators to ensure that reading materials for students are suitable in both content and level of difficulty. The emphasis is on enjoyment and...

Individual Development

The new school year is upon us and students are settling in to new schools, new classes, new teachers, and a new lot of learning.  It is a time of year when parents are often anxious about how their children will cope with all these changes and innovations. Needless...

The Skills Involved in Reading Aloud

To read aloud effectively requires skills that need to be mastered. One need only listen to Steven Fry reading ‘Harry Potter’ or Claire Higgins reading ‘Orlando’ to hear how much texture is added to the text by skilled reading. Fortunately we, as parents, teachers and...

Nursery Rhymes Enhance Learning

Nursery rhymes have always put a smile on children’s faces. But these fun songs aren’t just about entertaining children. They help children develop early learning skills. These catchy tunes actually prepare children for the start of formal education....