by Nepean Tutoring | Education
During the past month, there has been a media focus on the drop in Literacy and Numeracy standards in Australian compared to the global community. To arrive at a reason for this phenomenon would be too broad to address in this short article except to say that we... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
Celebrating your Child’s Academic Achievements In 2011, after the Wall Street Journal published the essay “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior: Can a regimen of no playdates, no TV, no computer games and hours of music practice create happy kids?” by Amy Chua, people... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
We go through the present blindfolded. Only when the blindfold is removed and we examine the past, we realise what we have been through and understand what it means. That’s exactly what it feels like now after completing my HSC five years ago. I can truly see and... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
I have always been a learner because I knew nothing.” These profound words were written by Sydney Poitier in his novel “Life Beyond Measure, Letters to My Great-Granddaughter.” If only we all had this attitude towards learning. He poetically writes “I didn’t... by Ros McHenry | Education, One-On-One Tutoring
Learning – An Unexpected Journey Five and a half years ago, I fell on black ice in England and smashed my shoulder to pieces, which left me in a state of trauma. The loss of my home in rural England, my isolation from loved ones, my lack of income and, most decidedly,...