by Nepean Tutoring | Education
Don’t Cram; Cramming for exam is the study-mate of procrastination. It is what happens when you decide, the night before the exam, that you can make up for lost time. “All I need is coffee and I’ll stay up all night reading all of the text book and then I’ll be set... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
When I first began tutoring students in English, I expected that I would be helping them in a variety of areas. I knew that some of these would perhaps include revising the basics of Grammar, building vocabulary and aiding in comprehension and analysis of texts. The... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
Standardised testing is a contentious subject that has invoked academic debate in recent times. This short blog present a brief idea of the pros and cons of academic testing.
by Nepean Tutoring | Education
I always believed that creativity was an inborn talent that children either do or do not have. However, just as all children’s intelligence are not equal, all children are not equally creative unless they are provided with the right environment for creativity to... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
As we move closer to the the beginning of the new school year I keep thinking about ways in which we can inspire our students to gain a love of learning. I guess that’s a little bit of a cliche, but I truly believe that education must become an act of passion to... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
When I look back over the past year, I am overwhelmed at the changes in my life. Small business ownership is certainly not for the feint hearted but for those who are ready for a challenge and to believe that their product can make a difference in today’s...