by Nepean Tutoring | Education
During the past month, there has been a media focus on the drop in Literacy and Numeracy standards in Australian compared to the global community. To arrive at a reason for this phenomenon would be too broad to address in this short article except to say that we... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
Children’s inherent appetite for books should be encouraged through activities that build a passion for reading. This can be achieved through active participation in literature that whet’s their imagination and interests. Whilst technology, for a time,... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
Tutor-Student Matching: How does it work? It is a well-known fact that as social beings, humans, especially children, learn from those they interact with closely on a daily basis. Children spend an average of 30 hours a week in school, and with other commitments like... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
There has been a great deal of discussion in 21st century education, especially in the past few years, about the importance of resilience for success in school. Glazed-eyed students study their fingernails for many an hour in Life Skills lessons in junior high school,... by Nepean Tutoring | Education
Why Time for Fun and Games is Essential for Early Childhood Education The early years of childhood, specifically those before and during kindergarten, are vital years for growing minds. It is during these years that children first learn how to perceive the world... by Nepean Tutoring | Differentiated curriculum, Education
Read on for more information about how Nepean Tutoring can help your child to achieve a ‘world-class’ HSC credential. You may have heard the news – for the first time in seventeen years, changes have been made to the NSW school curriculum. These changes require...