Literacy and English

Becoming literate, for school-age students, includes learning how to read, write and communicate. To confidently master these mediums in the formal school environment ultimately leads to students who are well prepared to be confident.

Literacy for the Early Years

Literacy – Infants – Years K – 2

Mastering Literacy skills can be challenging for young readers. The essential road map of skills required are:

  • Phonemic awareness
  • Phonological awareness
  • Literacy as a Source of Enjoyment and Pleasure
  • Vocabulary and Language.
  • Knowledge of Print in different contexts
  • Books and Other Texts.

At this state, the correct scope and sequence of learning is essential. A tutor can assess areas of need and correct missed understanding to create confidence and enjoyment in the process, rather than learned helplessness.

Literacy –  Primary – Years 3-6

Primary Literacy begins to focus on a more integrated language approach. Students begin to see clear links between reading, comprehension, writing, spelling, grammar and verbal communication. They discover reading for pleasure and writing with a clear purpose.

Correct foundational understandings are essential in these earlier years. Your tutor will revisit and revise previously learned concepts and integrate them into their lessons.

English Tutoring for the Middle Years

English – Secondary – Years 7-10

The jump from primary to secondary can be daunting. While most students moving into Secondary education have mastered the basic conventions of Literacy, some are still struggling to read analytically and to write while using correct grammar and spelling. They may lack the necessary skills to write creatively.

Vocabulary development becomes more important at this stage as well as developing individual writing styles.

The demands of assignments become the cornerstone of success during these years. Being able to interpret a question in an assignment task and answer it correctly are areas that often need attention along with critical research skills in the subject of English.

Without the continuity of one key classroom teacher as in the primary grades, students often become overwhelmed by the demand of English tasks and develop habits that leave them feeling lost and unsupported.

A tutor can help to set realistic goals, teach your child how to schedule tasks, and provide techniques to help them flourish.


Engish Tutoring for the Senior Years

English – Years 11 and 12

These are the years that lead to the Higher School Certificate. The level of English a student chooses to undertake is determined by their career goals and their personal proficiency and interest. Senior Years English ranges from English life skills to English Extension 1 and 2.

Tutors can work with Senior students to assist them with higher level thinking skills, essay writing and analysis as well as important exam preparation skills for the writing aspect of English during crucial examinations.

Our HSC English tutors have been highly successful achievers in different fields of study or work and are passionately drawn to bring out the best in each student they tutor.

Contact us for more information

Contact us for free consultation to see how we can help you and your family.