We take pride in placing students with the most appropriate tutor for their individual needs.
One on One tutoring is one of the most effective methods of teaching. It provides immediate feedback, helps students learn away from the distractions of a busy classroom and allows them to tackle learning challenges in a non-threatening environment.
Our tutors have developed innovative methods of teaching in their fields of expertise which will assist students to reach their academic potential.
Tutoring for the Early Years
Pre School – Year 2
Our Pre School program provides a school readiness emphasis, giving youngsters an understanding for learning as a life time journey.
We provide structured learning experiences that are engaging and fun, teaching our little ones habits that will prepare them for the formal learning environment. This includes learning through music, indoor and outdoor play and introductory games around reading, writing and number sense. For children in Years K – 2, we begin to build a positive self-concept around their learning.
We are committed to delivering excellent, innovative literacy and numeracy strategies to ensure that any learning gaps are addressed.
We also explore the idea that learning is about discovering the wonders of the world with an emphasis on understanding each child’s own strengths and interests.
Tutoring for the Primary Years
Years 3 – 6
During the Primary Years, tutoring is often required to address those areas in which a child finds difficult to master in a large classroom.
Working with a competent tutor, a child feels more likely to ask questions, becomes curious about the process of learning and better understands their strengths and weaknesses. It is a time when young children are able to set realistic goals about their learning and to celebrate their successes.
Our one-on-one approach discourages the development of “learned helplessness” where children adopt the notion that they are unable to achieve at the same level of their peers and therefore become disinterested in learning. We encourage our students to understand that mistakes are vehicles to assist them to learn rather than a sign of weakness.
Tutoring for the Junior Secondary Years
We work with students to encourage confidence and independence as they move from more concrete modes of learning to the development of higher order thinking skills and abstract concepts.
These years are crucial to prepare our young people emotionally, socially and academically as they move toward young adulthood. By providing tutors as role models and mentors, our aim is to build positive relationships with each student so they know they are supported and understood at this crucial juncture of their development.
Subjects covered include:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Study Skills
- Essay writing
Tutoring for the Senior Secondary Years
While support and relationship building is important at this level of study, we place a great deal of emphasis on teaching study and organisational skills along with academic essay writing.
Opportunities to engage in stress management and anxiety related issues with qualified professionals are also highlighted during the senior years.
Our Senior Secondary program is specifically designed to provide our Senior students with a solid foundation for their HSC years and to prepare them for entry in to the work force or tertiary study.
Subjects covered include:
- Secondary subjects
- Secondary and Tertiary Exam preparation
- HSC specialists in a large variety of subject areas
Tutoring for Special Needs
Nepean Tutoring has a reputation for working with the special education needs of students who have learning challenges
Our special education tutors have specific qualifications to work in situations that are not typical of mainstream tutoring.
These include:
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
- Dyspraxia
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
- Cognitive Delays
- Mental Health Diagnoses
- Brain Acquired Injuries
- Issues of Anxiety
- Down’s Syndrome
A strong feature of the Nepean Tutoring brand is the relationship we have built with government agencies and not for profit organisations.
These relationships have taken the business to another level of professionalism as we work with interdisciplinary teams to provide disadvantaged children and families with an equality of support.
It is for this reason that Nepean Tutoring procures the services of tutors who are proficient in working with families who may require support from specialist tutors in various modalities.
Contact us for more information
Contact us for free consultation to see how we can help you and your family.